Take Action on Speaking!
By becoming a speaker, not only are you generating and building a ton of authority for your personal brand and business, but you can also make a very lucrative career out of it.
Thanks a lot for coming over to this page, which is all about taking action on what you learned. Forget any excuses that are going through your mind at this very same moment in regards to shipping yourself to a great journey, full of speaking opportunities and connection building.
After doing this episode, we decided to start implementing this on BrainClue (a teaching strategies brand for Spanish teachers) where we will be scouting speaking opportunities for Mari in the teaching industry. Being in Miami, Florida, it should be easy enough considering the education industry is growing at a staggering pace down here. We will be using the same approach to reaching out to gate-keepers and using Mari’s book on Children psychology as leverage.
If you are insecure about this, just take a look at these testimonials:
You can learn more about the program right here
Take your time to navigate this website and soak in what public speaking can do for you, try not to get overwhelmed by so much awesomeness.
Now, if you want a chance to win a lifetime Premium Membership to Smartduu and get access to the Cerebro WordPress plugin, the only plugin for real time dynamic web persnalization, a strategy that is revolutionizing the online marketing industry, then here’s what you need to do:
– Head on over to iTunes and leave an honest review for the show.
– Answer to this question based on what you learned from this episode: “What would be your ideal speaking session/workshop?”
Click here to tweet out your answer
If you need to again listen to the episode to answer the question, you can do so at Moneydiver‘s show notes for this sessions.
Thanks again for coming over, you are awesome.
very good episode and I’m loving these contests!