Click the titles to read descriptions of each keynote
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[accordion-item title=”Being A Difference Maker (60 minute keynote)”]Teachers got into teaching because they wanted to make a difference. It wasn’t the lure of money (obviously!) or prestige (of course not!) but rather the desire and dream to make a difference in this world. But through the pressure, politics, and stress of it all, teachers can tend to lose the passion that led them to this profession. This engaging, inspiring, and interactive presentation will help remind teachers that what they do matters and that they are truly being “difference makers” to their students.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Reality Check (60 minute workshop)”] We all realize that education is a gateway to the rest of our lives. We can all look back on lessons we learned in class years ago and see how they’ve impacted our lives today. But in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, students need something else in our modern world: a Reality Check. In this program, Grant will share stories and strategies of how schools and educators can best prepare students for life after high school. Educators will leave with a better understanding of not only the importance of preparing students for that next step but specific ready-to-use ideas they can implement immediately.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”So Much To Do, So Little Little Time (60 minute workshop)”] Job. Family. Kids. Stress. Life. How in the world can a teacher even begin to balance all of these responsibilities and pressures and yet still remain focused in the classroom? In this workshop, we’ll walk through how to establish priorities and create some sense of balance out of the organized chaos that is life! Teachers will come away with specific ideas that they will be able to implement into their lives immediately that will make them better outside of the classroom which will lead to being better inside the classroom.
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Reality Check (60 minute presentation)
It seems like just yesterday your little angel was starting kindergarten with their oversized backpack and no clue of what lie ahead of them. Now they can see the finish line of graduation but still have no clue what lies ahead of them! They need a Reality Check. In this humorous and engaging presentation, Grant will help parents know how to best help their kids as they make the transition to life after high school. He will also help parents navigate their own emotions of watching a child grow up and leave the nest. Attendees will leave more confident and encouraged about what lies ahead for them and their child.

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Following his keynote, we put Grant in the largest room we had and it was still standing room only!”
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Your session was informative and provided teachers with valuable tools they could use in their classroom.”
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check out
some of

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Our attendees said, ‘Grant made it fun…everything he said related to real life!”
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