Let’s start with the big news: the Baldwins are moving to Nashville.
What what?!?!
Get your inhaler and breathe in that news. Now let me explain how it has come to be…

Many companies offer large house moves but most people actually need much smaller services such as flat removals. Call A1 Removals for a quote on any flat or bungalow move.
A huge lesson I’ve learned this year is the value and importance of meeting people in person. There are two types of people I really focus on trying to connect with in business:
1. Like-minded entrepreneurs
2. People I admire and want to learn from
You can correspond with people through email, social media, text messages, or smoke signals but those mediums can’t come close to the power of connecting with people in person. I’ve found that I’m able to build deeper and stronger relationships through face-to-face interaction than I ever could over months or even years of any other form of communication.
When I travel to other cities or attend conferences, I’m very conscience of who is in that area or attending that event that I want to connect with or reach out to. Because of these in-person meetings, I’ve built great friendships and business relationships with people I would have never had I’d have a shot at connecting with.
Recently, I was in Nashville for an event and was sitting outside a cafe talking with two other entrepreneurs I had connected with while in town. The more I talked with them, the more I became intrigued by the idea of moving to Nashville. Need extra help moving? Contact flyttebyrå Oslo to speed the process, if you want a little more information about how moving companies work have a peek here.
I know there are many people in the Nashville area that fall into the two categories of I people I’m focused on connecting with. We found some great Moving Companies Vancouver to help us pack and move stuff. Remember to always hire a tenancy cleaning company like the end of tenancy cleaning Croydon to make your new place spotless, be sure to ask for the professional cleaning cost.
I came home from that trip and one night casually asked my wife if she’d ever want to move somewhere else….like, say, Nashville? I was really half-joking, but apparently she wasn’t.
Keep in mind that my wife and I are from Springfield, MO and have lived here all of our lives. Springfield is a nice spot in the midwest. It’s not too big and not too small. Most of our family is here. It’s a great place to raise our own family. We dig Springfield.
But when I asked her that question, she immediately said she wanted to do it.
So that backfired.
The more we talked about it, the more it began to feel like a real possibility.
You see, one theme we hope defines us as a family is adventure. We don’t want to live by the status quo. We want to live a rewarding and fulfilling life that is filled with adventure.
Seven years ago, I started a business as a speaker and today, we’re proudly self-employed and have no plans of ever having a real job again.
Ten years ago, we sought advice from consultants at Money Expert we got intentional about our money and paid off $30,000 in debt in two years.
Today, we live on a budget and have no school loans, car loans, credit card balances, or medical bills. Other than a mortgage on our house, we’re debt free.
We save our money and take lots of trips each years to create experiences and memories with our family and live that life of adventure. Last year we started homeschooling our girls, so that we could continue to create more opportunities for adventure.
So why are we moving to Nashville? Because it’s an adventure.
Unfortunately, far too many individuals, couples and families slip into ruts and routines in life. We go through the motions and live by the scripts that others expect us to play by.
Moving is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. It’s a chance to create a blank slate for yourself and stop living off past successes or dwelling on past failures. It’s an opportunity to expand your horizons beyond your own little bubble in the world. Besides, this team of professionals from www.brmoving.com is ready to make your local or long distance move as safe and easy as possible.
As I said before, there is massive value in being around like-minded people who are headed in the same direction as you in life. Where are many of those people located? What are you doing to connect with them? What if you just packed up and moved there to deepen those relationships?
Most people who read this will immediately dismiss that moving isn’t right for them. I get that, but you should consider hiring the uk to spain removals, it may be what you need. I get that there are a lot of factors that go into a move making sense. But I also know that most adventures don’t make any sense when you start the journey. That’s what makes it an adventure.
We may move to Nashville, and it could be a complete flop. Or it may be one of the greatest adventures of our lives. But we don’t know unless we try.
When are you moving? Because I’m self-employed and we homeschool our girls, we could really go any time. The major factor will be selling our house. Want to buy it? 🙂
Do you know where in Nashville you’ll live? Kind of. We are looking at some different south side suburbs like Franklin, Thompson’s Station and Spring Hill.
I live in Nashville…can we connect when you get out here? If you can help us unload a moving truck, we’ll be BFFs! But once we’re settled in, I’d love to connect with people in the area.
Will you miss me? Of course.
We moved away from “home” in 2000. It was one of the most difficult things we ever did but it was also great. We have met and connected with people all over (including you). We have lived in 5 states since 2000. It is not always easy but it is an adventure! Best wishes to you all. By the way, 14 years ago, our house sold in one showing. We didn’t find out until Mike arrived in Springfield (no cell phones back then), so we countered and they accepted. Our family who lived at “home” ntook care of the closing for us.
Thanks Tina! Looking forward to this adventure 🙂
Congratulations! Very exciting news! Hope that your house sells faster than expected and a flawless transition.
Thanks Alex 🙂
Who are your dream connections in Nashville? I’m in Atlanta a few times a year. If we can work out a day, I would totally meet up.
Lots of good contacts in Nashville…give me a shout if you’re ever passing through!
You bet.
Nashville is becoming less and less of the best-kept city secret in the U.S. You’ve picked a great city to jump to. Very interested to hear how your experience here unfolds.
Welcome aboard, Grant! Hope it treats you as well as it has treated us.
Thanks Matt! Where in the area are you?
We’re next to Percy Warner Park on the border of Belle Meade and Bellevue. But my family moved here when I was in middle school (we lived in Franklin) and after 10 years away I came back, so I’ve lived all over. Sounds like you’re honing in on some very good areas to live with Franklin/Spring Hill/Thompson’s Station.
Yeah, I think we’re leaning towards the Thompson’s Station area
Go you Grant! Moving to Nashville is a dream of mine too! But alas the timing is not right for other priorities in our life right now. But in 10 years… certainly could be a possibility! So many bright and amazing people live in the area!
Thanks Jordan!
I LOVE Nashville and have suggested it as our eventual settlement. Neither my wife or daughter was as open to the idea as yours.
It sounds like you’ve been connecting with Jon Acuff and /or Dan Miller. Franklin is a hotbed of entrepreneurs in the “work you love” field. Oh, and Michael Hiatt too, right?
All great guys in Nashville for sure 🙂
Cannot believe I stumbled upon this. It’s fate, God, something! My husband and I literally made the decision to pick up our lives/daughter and go last week. We have been on the hunt for jobs and hope to move in June or July. I feel the same way about making connections and all we have heard for months is Nashville Nashville Nashville. So here we are, taking a leap of faith. We are all about adventures, meeting people, making friends, avoiding ruts in life, and we definitely feel this is the place. This post is all the more clarity I needed and all the more assurance I needed that we are doing the right thing! If it feels right, go go go! So happy to know there’s crazy families like us out there. 😉
Cannot believe I stumbled upon this. It’s fate, God, something! My husband and I literally made the decision to pick up our lives/daughter and go last week. We have been on the hunt for jobs and hope to move in June or July. I feel the same way about making connections and all we have heard for months is Nashville Nashville Nashville. So here we are, taking a leap of faith. We are all about adventures, meeting people, making friends, avoiding ruts in life, and we definitely feel this is the place. This post is all the more clarity I needed and all the more assurance I needed that we are doing the right thing! If it feels right, go go go! So happy to know there’s crazy families like us out there. 😉
We just got here last week too, so welcome to crazyville 🙂
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