Clarity: How To Find Work You Love Manifesto
Clarity: How To Find Work You Love is a small eBook about reminding you life is too short to do work you hate.
We all have to work and make a living, so why wouldn’t you want to do something you enjoy? This manifesto is our rallying cry to not do work for the sake of paycheck or prestige. But to do something that genuinely brings joy to our lives.
This eBook is 23 short but powerful pages you can knock out in one sitting.[/two_third_last]
Download the Manifesto »

“This beautifully designed manifesto cuts to the heart of working with real purpose.”
– Paul Jarvis, bestselling author of Everything I Know[/three_fourth_last]
Grant asks the probing questions…
“As a career coach, I love hearing other fresh voices who are proclaiming the reality of finding or creating work you love. Life is too short to settle for anything less. In this manifesto, Grant asks the probing questions that can release your best work – and the peace of mind and financial abundance that inevitably show up.”
– Dan Miller, Life Coach and New York Times bestselling author (48 Days to the Work You Love)[/three_fourth]
How To Get A Copy
You can get a free copy of the Clarity: How To Find Work You Love manifesto by joining my newsletter list.
This will subscribe you to receive free updates (and other surprises 🙂 so you never miss out on any of the goodness. I completely respect your privacy and of course, you can opt out any time you like.
Once you confirm your email address, you’ll receive another email with a link where you can download the Clarity: How To Find Work You Love manifesto.

This manifesto can set you on the right path…
“If you want to build something that is great and has meaning and can change your life forever, you need a plan. This manifesto can set you on the right path to building a business and life you love.”
– Greg Hickman, creator of Mobile Mixed[/three_fourth_last]
Grant sums up the process I went through perfectly…
“5 years ago I made a radical, and scary shift in my own life to the unconventional and unknown. It was scary, and difficult at times, but it was the best decision I’ve ever made.
In Clarity, Grant sums up the process I went through perfectly, and I consistently found myself nodding in agreement. If you’re looking to get inspired to do something different with your life, this is a great resource.”
– Sean Ogle, creator of Location 180[/three_fourth]
Once You’ve Read It…
First of all, if you already read the manifesto, THANK YOU! It really means a lot. I trust it was encouraging, inspiring, and thought provoking. If so, would you mind sharing it with others? Here are some ways to share it…
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- Share your thoughts in the comments below

Don’t miss this!
“Grant is a master at helping young people discover what a fulfilling and exciting career looks like for them. He’s engaged with thousands of young people across the world, and his experience shows in this manifesto. If you’re looking for what the next steps may be in your journey, don’t miss this!”
– Ryan Delk, head of Growth/Business Development at GumRoad[/three_fourth_last]
Grant sums up the process I went through perfectly…
“I’ve worked with over 150 millionaires and there’s one thing they almost all have in common…they love what they do. I know this manifesto can inspire and encourage you to pursue work you love as well!”
– Jaime Tardy, creator of Eventual Millionaire[/three_fourth]
You Ready To Do This?
If you’re tired of working in a dead-end job you hate and are ready to start your quest to find and do work you love, then let’s get after it! Enter your email below to get your FREE copy of the Clarity: How To Find Work You Love manifesto.
Let’s do this!
Download the Manifesto »