Ideal audiences for
Grants’ youth
- Middle school students
- High school students
- College Students
Ideal events for Grants’ programs:
- Student leadership conferences
- School assemblies
- Career fairs for students
- Graduation/commencement programs
- College preparatory/readiness events
- Orientation/transition programs
Click the titles to read descriptions of each keynote.
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[accordion-item title=”No More Excuses”]We all want to make something of our lives. Don’t you? We want to be happy, successful, and enjoy each moment that we have. But how exactly do we do that? Unfortunately, far too often we assume someone else will make our lives better. But the truth is our lives can become anything we want them to be when we stop assuming someone else will solve our problems. In order to get what we want out of life, we each have to take personal responsibility for ourselves.
In this presentation, Grant will motivate your students to take responsibility for their own lives through a blend of comedy, story telling, authentic transparency, and true inspiration. Your students will walk away knowing…
- You can’t always control your circumstances, but you can always control your response.
- Your past doesn’t have to determine your future.
- You must apply action to your decisions to be successful.
[accordion-item title=”Being A Difference Maker”]Within each and every one of us is the desire and dream to make a difference in the world. We all want to do more than just exist or go through the motions of life, but we want our lives to count for something more. This inspiring and interactive presentation will help students realize that a “difference maker” lives within each one of them and that they have the opportunity to live that out every day.
It’s more than being a difference maker in “the” world but Grant will teach and challenge students to change “their” world. It means being a difference maker with their friends and family, in their school and neighborhood, and everywhere they live life. This call-to-action program will encourage and challenge students to be a difference maker today![/accordion-item]
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Click the titles to read descriptions of each workshop.
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[accordion-item title=”Reality Check”]This is a new workshop based on Grant’s latest book, Reality Check. The book is about helping students make the transition from high school into college and the real world. It consists of 50 questions that students are asking about finances, living on your own, college, careers, and more. For this workshop, Grant provides additional thoughts on 3 questions discussed in the book. In addition, Grant always saves extra time at the end of the workshop for Q&A with students about life about high school.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”So Much To Do, So Little Time”]School. Jobs. Stress. Relationships. College. How in the world can a student even begin to balance all of these responsibilities and pressures? In this workshop, we’ll walk through how to establish priorities and then build our lives and schedules around what matters most. Students will come away with specific goals that they will be able to implement into their lives immediately to help create balance.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”What The Heck Am I Doing With My life?”]For many students, finding their passion in life is a huge challenge. Not only that but figuring out how that passion translates into a career where they can actually make a living isn’t easy either. But this workshop will help students not only explore what their strengths and interests are but will provide them with strategies to answer the question, “What The Heck Am I Going To Do With My Life?”[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Broke Piggy”]This workshop helps students get a better understanding of money management and how their decisions with money today, both good and bad, will affect their options and opportunities tomorrow. This workshop is very interactive and engaging and will help students create a game plan for what to do with money.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”College 101″]For many teenagers today, college is the next logical step after high school. But students quickly discover they have a lot more questions than answers about college. In this workshop, Grant will spend time answering three key questions that your students are asking…(1) Which college should I attend?, (2) How am I going to pay for college?, and (3) What should I major in? College 101 will help students feel more comfortable and confident about the role of college in their future plans.[/accordion-item]

I cannot say enough
about how pleased I
was with Grant’s
abilities. If you are not
considering Grant for
your next event, you
are missing out!”
“I’ve worked as
coordinator for this
conference for over 10
years and have had
the privilege of
working with several
excellent speakers,
but Grant is a step
above. I’ve never seen
students respond to a
speaker on a level in
which they did
with him.”
check out
some of
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