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My name is Grant Baldwin (you probably figured that out by now). I’m a normal guy from the midwest who likes to help people. I’m married to my high school sweetheart and we have three beautiful little girls. I live in a little Barbie dream house. I love it. I wouldn’t trade lives with anyone. So I guess you came to this page to get a little more background on who I am right? Here you go…
I’ve always enjoyed speaking and helping other people. So much so that I actually went to Bible college and became a youth pastor. I did that for a little while but eventually felt like there was something else I should be doing. While my wife was 5 months pregnant with our first daughter, I quit my job with little plan of what I wanted to do with my life.
I literally felt like I was having a quarter life crisis.
I spent months reading, exploring and trying to figure out what I was put on this planet to do. I knew some of the things I was good at, and I knew what I enjoyed doing, but I was never sure how it all translated into a career. After several months, I decided to start a career as a speaker.
I worked hard and hustled to build my business and get booked to speak. Download the first episode of my podcast “How Did You Get Into That?” to hear the full story in detail and more about how I got into speaking.
In the last several years, I’ve been fortunate to speak to audiences all over the country. I’ve spoke at hundreds of events and have given literally thousands of presentations in conferences, assemblies, conventions and other events. I’ve spoken to audiences of just a handful to arenas filled with 13,000 people. [one_half][responsive][/responsive][/one_half] [one_half_last][responsive]
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But here’s the deal…I’m just a normal dude.
I really am. I work hard, and I hustle to make my dreams a reality. I don’t want to live a normal, boring, mundane existence, and I don’t think you do either. I want to live a fulfilling and rewarding life, and I would guess you do too. Today I continue to speak to high school and college students to help them make a smooth transition to the real world (I wrote some books and curriculum to help students). I also speak to educators, parents, and adults about not only helping students create a great life but learning to create one for themselves as well. I also host a podcast called “How Did You Get Into That?” where we interview people doing interesting and inspiring work. My goal is to help other people find and pursue work they love.
Trying to figure out where your career is headed? DISCOVER THE 5 QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU FIND AND DO WORK YOU LOVE
I know what it was like to experience a quarter life crisis and question where my life was headed, and I hope the podcast helps others make a smoother transition. Whether you see me speak, listen to the podcast, work with me as a coach, or read one of my books or a post I’ve written, I hope that our interaction makes your life better. Thanks for taking the time to stop by the site and check this out. If there’s anything I can ever do to support you, please don’t hesitate to email me. You’re Awesome!
- Grant has a massive sweet tooth. He loves all things involving sugar. Don’t judge him.
- Grant and his wife started dating when he was a 15 year old freshmen in high school. She was a junior. Boom.
- Grant has finished 2 marathons, 6 half marathons and 4 triathlons. He’s a man beast.
- He is a ping-pong ninja and is happy to put on a clinic for you.
- Grant and his wife used to run an eBay business buying and selling purses. Again, don’t judge him.
- Secretly, Grant has always wanted to be a magician. Or a drummer.
- Grant has been to 48 states (he’s missing Maine and South Carolina).
- You may have noticed Grant keeps little to no hair on his head. He’s shaved his head since the 3rd grade. Even his wife has no idea what he looks like with hair.
- Grant has seen every episode of Friends many times and will challenge you to any trivia about the show
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